
Bridging Care:
France's Advanced
Neonatal Techniques

  • France
  • Healthcare
  • 10 delegates
  • December 2015
The training course was led by French experts in teaching and practice in the field of childbearing, neonatology, anesthesia, and pediatrics who are specialized in emergency situations in childbearing, managing pregnancies with pathologies and resuscitating newborns.
Russian Perinatal Centers Spearhead Healthcare Improvement under Presidential Decree

In a significant move to bolster the nation's demographic health, Russia is advancing the establishment of regional perinatal centers as part of the National Project "Zdorovye" (Health). This initiative, initiated by a presidential decree, is designed to enhance the accessibility and quality of healthcare services for mothers and children across Russia, aiming to significantly reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.
As part of this nationwide effort, a specialized training seminar titled "Emergencies in Childbearing from the French Experience" was held in Paris in December 2015. The event drew support from the Paris region's Department for Health Care Development and several leading local clinics, underscoring a strong international collaboration.

The study tour featured a cadre of French medical professionals, experts in childbearing, neonatology, anesthesia, and pediatrics, who are notably skilled in emergency childbearing scenarios, managing pathological pregnancies, and neonatal resuscitation. The participating Russian healthcare professionals were introduced to cutting-edge French strategies and techniques that enhance the regional model of childbirth and neonatal care through a tiered system of perinatal centers.

Addressing some of the most pressing contemporary issues in reproductive medicine, the program covered a wide range of topics, including the prevention of illness and death among mothers and unborn children, miscarriage management, and the treatment of high-risk pregnancies. It also discussed the integration of assistive technologies in reproductive medicine and the maintenance of reproductive health amidst various diseases.

An integral part of the study tour was the hands-on visits to some of Paris's leading specialized clinics. The Russian delegation engaged directly with French healthcare facilities specializing in resuscitation, neonatology, maternity care, and surgical procedures.

In addition to clinic visits, the delegation explored the latest simulation-based training center in Paris, focusing on techniques for managing late-stage pregnancies, childbirth, and neonatal resuscitation.

This educational mission provided an invaluable platform for professional exchange and the acquisition of international expertise in emergency medical care. The interactive format of the seminar allowed the participants not only to gain insights from the presentations but also to engage in in-depth discussions with their French counterparts. The overarching goal of these discussions and the entire seminar was to elevate the standards of maternity care in Russian medical facilities, setting a new benchmark in healthcare provision.

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