Age Care

Village Landais Alzheimer: the first dementia village in France

The Village Landais Alzheimer is the first neighborhood dedicated to elderly people with dementia in France.
In the south western region of France, the Village Landais Alzheimer is an enclosed neighborhood where elderly people with dementia can live freely.
Inspired by the Dementia Village De Hogewejk in the Netherlands, the Village Landais Alzheimer is an nursing home out of the ordinary. Built on eight acres of softly fenced land, this new neighborhood of the city of Dax is designed to bring life back to the days of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or related dementias, their loved ones and the professionals who care for them.

The 108 permanent residents will be accommodated in households of 7 to 8 inhabitants. The healthcare professionals will accompany them in the acts of daily life, whether in their new home or in the common grounds of the Village. Around the central bastide, the Villagers (in the broad sense) can freely go to the media library, the farm or the convenience store to buy their bread.

The multidisciplinary team, associated with the project from the start, is developing an approach based on non-drug interventions. Wagon therapy, zootherapy, the organization's project seamlessly combines innovations that will allow the Villagers to approach life in comfort, security and, as much as possible, appeasement.
Our goal is that our Villagers keep living a normal life: buying their bread in the morning, taking care of their household, meeting their friends at the boulodrome in the afternoon...
Francis Lacoste — The Village Landais Alzheimer initiator
French innovation in action
The Village Landais Alzheimer will be integrated in the City of Dax. One of the goal of the project is to change the way people look at Alzheimer's disease. The team is hoping for a positive change by increasing the opportunities for exchanges: people from the city can come to the Village to use the public facilities (library, auditorium, hair salon, restaurant...) and the Villagers, supported by local associations, will take part into activities in the town.

The creation of a pool of 128 volunteers was initiated 3 years ago during a meeting open to all the associations listed in Dax. These volunteers are members of local associations (gardeners, card players, pet dog owners, tango dancers, ...) or they are just willing to get involved with the elderly. They have been trained with a coordinator and her team (three professionals - one at the media library, another on a physical activities programme and the last one on general activities) and will answer to the residents' interests: an association will manage the vegetable garden weekly, other volunteers will play cards, offer cooking activities, play music, bring animals etc.
To learn more about the the Village Landais Alzheimer watch an online eJourney:
The founding director Francis Lacoste and his team will guide you step-by-step through their inspiration by De Hogeweyk, the world's first Dementia Village, as well as through the challenges and lessons learned from replicating this model into the French aged care system.
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